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「Calling Records」は、以下のとおり個人情報保護方針を定め、個人情報保護の仕組みを構築し、全従業員に個人情報保護の重要性の認識と取組みを徹底さ せることにより、個人情報の保護を推進致します。 

当社は、お客さまの個人情報を正確かつ最新の状態に保ち、個人情報への不正アクセス・紛失・破損・改ざん・漏洩などを防止するため、 セキュリティシステムの維持・管理体制の整備・社員教育の徹底等の必要な措置を講じ、安全対策を実施し個人情報の厳重な管理を行ないます。 

お客さまからお預かりした個人情報は、当社からのご連絡や業務のご案内やご質問に対する回答として、電子メールや資料のご送付に利用 いたします。 





当社は、保有する個人情報に関して適用される日本の法令、その他規範を遵守するとともに、本ポリシーの内容を適宜見直し、その改善に 努めます。 

Calling Recods


Privacy policy (privacy policy) 

I promote protection of the personal information by "our" establishing a privacy policy as follows, and building structure of the personal information protection, and enforcing recognition and an action of the importance of the personal information protection on all employees. 

Management of the personal information 
I take the necessary measures such as thorough maintenance, employee education of maintenance, the regime of the security system that we keep the personal information of the visitor the correct and latest state and prevent unjust access, loss, damage, manipulation, leak to personal information and I carry out safety measures and perform severe management of the personal information. 

Use purpose of the personal information 
I use the personal information that I took from a visitor for the sending of an E-mail and the document as an answer to guidance of communication and the duties from us and question. 

Prohibition we of disclosure, the offer to a third party of the personal information do not disclose personal information to a third party unless I manage the personal information that I took than a visitor appropriately and correspond to any of the following. 

When there is the agreement of the visitor 
When it is necessary to disclose based on laws and ordinances when I disclose it for the supplier whom we entrust with duties to give a service that a visitor is hoped for 

Safety measures of the personal information 
We take perfect measures against security for accurate and safe securing of personal information. 

Inquiry of the person 
When inquiry, a correction, deletion of the personal information of the person is hoped for, a visitor, please let it support after confirmation to be the person. 

Laws and ordinances, the observance and review of the model 
We observe Japanese laws and ordinances applied about personal information to hold it, other models and review content of this policy appropriately and act for the improvement. 
Please inform it of the inquiry about the handling of our personal information at the following. 

Calling Records


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